Do you have a scary boiler in your basement? Does your furnace looks like it was installed at the turn of the century? Are you tired of changing nozzles and nursing along the old fuel oil unit you've had for ages? Comfort Control has seen it all when it comes to keeping your family warm and we're prepared to do what it takes to get you back into heat and keep you there. With cold Ohio winters you don't have the luxury of pushing off a furnace replacement "until next year." We take every measure possible to prioritize emergency heating system repairs and replacements and stock a variety of the most common replacement parts and equipment in our warehouse to help expedite this process. Being proactive and planning the replacement of a unique system in your home? We offer free estimates and have a reputation for taking on the projects others turn down with excellent results!
Comfort Control - Ashland
805 E Main St
Ashland, OH 44805
Call Ashland (419-451-4241)
Email Ashland
Comfort Control - Wellington
615 S. Main Street
Welllington, OH 44090
Call Wellington (440-647-3421)
Email Wellington
Normal Business Hours:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Emergency On-Call Hours: Open 24 Hours
Toll Free: (877) 650-4328
Richland County: (419) 756-7585
Wayne County: (330) 964-8696
Ohio Lic. #47848 - Ohio P.E.#77349