Nothing spells comfort more than cozying up to a fire on a cold winter evening with your spouse or significant other. Holidays are best celebrated with your closest family and friends and the flicker of a flame in the background. A wood stove or gas fireplace provides peace of mind and a source of supplemental heat should a winter ice storm cause a prolonged power outage.
Comfort Control has been installing and servicing a full lineup of gas, wood, electric and pellet hearth products for all levels of burn enthusiasts since 1994. Our 3,200 square foot showroom has 22 working models from a variety of manufacturers and in a number of different finishes to "see it before you buy it". In home estimates are free and financing is available to add the luxury, comfort and convenience of gas logs, a fireplace or stove to your home.
Comfort Control - Ashland
805 E Main St
Ashland, OH 44805
Call Ashland (419-451-4241)
Email Ashland
Comfort Control - Wellington
615 S. Main Street
Welllington, OH 44090
Call Wellington (440-647-3421)
Email Wellington
Normal Business Hours:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Emergency On-Call Hours: Open 24 Hours
Toll Free: (877) 650-4328
Richland County: (419) 756-7585
Wayne County: (330) 964-8696
Ohio Lic. #47848 - Ohio P.E.#77349